Your Letters

This is the Letters to the Editor Page.

If you want to write a letter to The Gannet about a burning issue or anything else, please write your letter in the ‘Reply’ box below.

The editorial team reserve the right not to publish correspondence that might defame or cause offence.

One Response to Your Letters

  1. rrh says:

    Dear Editor,

    Like “Disappointed Muriwai Resident” (Gannet Aug 2010) we were dismayed by the state of sections of the Edwin Michelson Track during the winter. Then we remembered this is what it was like last year and the year before during ‘the wet’. We seriously differ in the seeking a remedy of “2 hours on a tractor.” I’m sure we are not alone in our relief that machinery of any type is kept well clear of this sensitive area during the “wet”. In fact nature is already (Sept 10) on the case. After a few days of mild sunshine and breeze with no rain, she is applying her natural remedy to the “damage” she inflicted by overgenerous winter watering. It has been a very wet winter. The track is already drying out again after the annual few weeks of mushy sections. Not to say we won’t be in for more rain next week!

    We have observed the team from the Rangers station doing essential clearing along the drain, tree removal, etc. Our experience is that they are more than willing to help in a situation if called upon. And there is plenty of tangible evidence of the improvements in our park, planting, clearing, weeding, pest eradication, etc. Plenty of us could take a lesson or two back home.
    By the way, have you had a look at the old waka that was found on our beach? Call in and check it out. Really fascinating!

    — Gerry Henley, Oaia Road

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